Design Sprints and Workshops Tailored To Your Objectives
Improve organisational agility and speed your time to market with Design Sprints and Workshops by The Familiar.
Our Design Sprints and Design Thinking Workshops are designed to replace long, aimless conversations and meetings with time-boxed, focused decision-making frameworks to speed you and your organisation forward.
Our Workshops
The nature of your organisation and the challenges and opportunities it faces are unique and ever-changing. Our workshops are designed and delivered in a way that recognises what makes you unique and uses it to your advantage.
Our Workshops team delivers around four core frameworks, but each and every workshop is adapted to your organisation’s unique circumstances.
NEW! Try our Innovation Fitness Review for FREE.
Want to reach out instead?
Give us a call or find out about our workshops below.
Remote Design Sprint
- Solve business critical challenges and answer vital questions in just two weeks
- Interrogate and map the current situation within your organisation
- Identify challenges standing between your organisation and success
- Come up with creative ideas and solutions to the most important problem(s)
- Prototype a solution and test it with real customers
- Learn from user testing what went well, what could be improved, and where to go next
Innovation Lab
- Better understand your customers and their needs
- Discover breakthrough opportunities and critical challenges
- Produce actionable steps to make the most of the opportunities facing you
- Learn repeatable frameworks and tools you can use again and again
Active Eights
- Learn a powerful technique to independently generate and record creative ideas and solutions
- Learn when to use the technique for best results
- A rapid, repeatable exercise you can use for future problem solving
- Part of our Design Thinking in Practice series
Lightning Decision Lab
- Identify and work on a broad topic affecting your organisation
- Replace endless discussion and meetings with a focussed time-boxed problem solving and decision making workshop
- Learn a repeatable framework you can use for future meetings or workshops
- Set the scene for a Remote Design Sprint
The Familiar Approach
All our workshops are delivered by two experienced facilitators, essential to maximise value from remote workshops. And, as well as being designed to help you overcome a challenge, our workshops are focussed on maximising learning outcomes for your people. The option for training, coaching and mentorship of future facilitators is built in.
Since 2004, The Familiar have worked with exceptional UK, EU and international clients to solve organisation-critical problems and identify innovation opportunities.
People and organisations who value collaboration and are open to a fresh approach to problem solving see the most impact from working with us.
Powered by Sprinty
The Familiar uses Sprinty Toolkits to provide all our workshop participants with the best toolkits available.